

Spring is coming. Spring is a great time to open the windows and clean the closets. It is also an excellent time to review your wellness plan in 2023. A wellness plan includes periodic pulse checks. Spring is an excellent time for you to review your plans and make a check-in.

This year has been a major trend in the wellness industry. It’s all about improving sleep. For many, getting to bed earlier or staying put longer is not an option. An ideal sleep schedule can be affected by the needs of young children, elderly parents, busy jobs, and a packed social calendar.

Napping can be just as beneficial for those who have less than optimal nutrition. It can also help boost your sleep quality and improve your overall health. Are you napping in a way that supports your long-term health? How can you use spring sleep resets to increase your performance and wellbeing?


Your ideal circadian rhythm will dictate the natural sleep window your body has. The ideal sleep window can change throughout life but is pre-determined genetically. Teenagers, for example, tend to go to bed earlier than adults and get up earlier in the morning. This trend is being affected by bright light, overstimulation, tablets and phones.

Deep phase sleep is more likely to occur when you sleep according to your ideal circadian rhythm (chronotype). Deep phase sleep refers to the state in which the brain and body are more fully cleansed, repaired, and restored to function. Deep-phase sleep occurs in the early hours of your natural sleep cycle. If you delay sleep for a few hours, your chances of getting deep-phase are slim.

Learn about sleep phases and chronotypes. Want to help your clients sleep better? NASM’s Certified Wellness Coaching Course is available.

You will experience different phases of sleep within a given amount of time. The first phase is called light sleep. This phase can be described as dozing. This phase is when you are easily awakened and tends to last between 20-30 minutes. After 20-30 minutes of healthy sleep, you will transition to deep or rapid eye movement (REM) phases. You’ll be back in light phase after 50 minutes.


As we have already mentioned, napping can be very effective when used to help us recover from physical or mental exertions and allow us to work more fully at our potential. If you are unable to get a good night of sleep, napping may be an option. How can you optimize your napping?

You should nap between 1p-4p: In order to get a good night of sleep, your napping shouldn’t interrupt it. This means that you need to exert yourself mentally and physically in the morning. Take a break after lunch, but not later than 4 p.m. You may experience sleep disturbances in the evening due to naps taken late afternoon or early evening.

Take a nap for less than 30 minutes, or 90 minutes. As you have seen, the 7-9 hours we get each night are broken down into natural 90 minute cycles. Everyone has experienced the feeling of feeling tired after a 60-minute nap. This is because you woke up in the middle or the end of the cycle. Getting up is easier if you’re in deep sleep or REM. You should not take a nap to increase performance, but sleep normally. Keep your nap duration to 20 minutes. You should aim for 90 minutes if you are supplementing sleep.

Manage Your Environment. A comfortable space for napping should allow you to relax, and the volume should be steady so that you don’t wake up too early. A cool environment can help you fall asleep faster if your body is able relax fully.

Maintain a normal schedule: Keep your nightly and mid-day sleep times the same so that they are part of your regular circadian cycle.


Take stock as you transition into spring and review your wellness plan.

How has winter impacted your sleep?

Which habits can benefit your sleep?

Which habits can be harmful to your sleep?

Can you get to bed early enough and stay asleep consistently?

You can improve your awareness and habits about sleep, so consider napping to help you achieve your wellness goals.

What was your primary wellness focus in the year’s first half?

How can sleep affect your progress towards your wellness goals or make it more effective?

Do you get enough sleep to achieve your goals? What can you do to find out if you aren’t getting enough sleep?

Does napping fit into your daily life or schedule?

Make a plan if you are sure. How can you find the time to take a break on the days when it is most beneficial? Where can you find a place to take a nap? Who should you talk to to get your napping game on track?

You should only nap for a short period of time if you sleep poorly. It can serve as a quick, effective way to get a boost in the middle of the day or for short-term relief when your sleep is interrupted by life.