

Did you ever look at the calendar and feel a bit of dread as January 1 approached? “Oh no…not again. If I have to break another resolution, !” These feelings of unease are justified by a University of Scranton study that found 23% of people gave up on their resolutions within two weeks of the start of the new year. Only 19% people remained committed to their goals over the long-term.

How can you go from a goal-abandoner to achieving your goals? We have the answer! These are five tips from Jazzercise FitPros to help you stay on track with your New Year’s resolutions.

Reposition your Thoughts

First, change your mindset! Instead of scoffing at the thought of making lifestyle changes, consider the new year an opportunity to celebrate new beginnings. It doesn’t have to mean rigid schedules and boring workouts…especially at Jazzercise!

Another important mindset tip is to recognize when you fall into negative thoughts patterns, such as comparing yourself to others or judging yourself. Then pull yourself out like a true friend.

FitPro Emily Newlands says, “It’s great for friends to be proud of their achievements, but when it is about your health and wellbeing, the only person you should look up to is yourself.” You will see results if you set small goals and make healthy habits that you enjoy.

Start Small and Specific

Most people set New Year’s resolutions of “I want more health” or “I wish to be happier.” Although these are great end results, having vague goals can make it difficult to feel inspired and motivated. FitPro Toni Pitruzzello shares that looking at a goal in one piece can cause people to lose sight of the bigger picture, especially if it is very large. It’s easier to break down your goal into smaller pieces.

It is important to set small, specific goals. You can set small and achievable goals, such as 3 workouts per week, 1 more cup of water per daily, or getting dressed for work the night before.

Emily continues to share her wisdom on goal setting. “Setting unrealistic expectations can be like trying to climb onto a roof from below,” she says. It’s impossible to get there. Instead, make smaller goals such as rungs on a ladder. Give yourself time to progress.

Plan to Avoid Obstacles

You will encounter many detours and temptations along your journey. Sometimes, a simple invitation for a girls night out can turn into too many cheesy nachos or a drain on your bank account. Guess what? It’s completely okay! It’s okay to enjoy the journey that life offers. Instead of dwelling on it later, add these detours as a part of your plan!

The key to lasting success is not perfection. It’s putting in the right systems to achieve it. Toni suggests having an accountability buddy, who can help you schedule your time, plan your weekly menu, and ensure that you eat nutritious meals every week.

When setting your goals, consider the obstacles that you might encounter as you work towards your goal. These obstacles can be overcome by you. Then, create a plan for how to get back on the right track.

Jenn shared, “People tend not to keep a lot of weight in their New Year resolutions. If an obstacle comes up that prevents them from achieving those goals, they give up.” Setting small and achievable goals is important. For example, adding a vegetable to every meal, drinking enough water, or attending 3 Jazzercise classes per week. Life happens! If you fail to meet your goals, forgive yourself and move on.

Track your progress

You can make lasting change by tracking your progress. How can you tell if you are on target or behind? These are four easy ways to keep track of your progress as you reach those goals.

As we have already mentioned, you can break down your goal into smaller tasks and set deadlines for those tasks. You can add these deadlines to your calendar to make sure you know when they are due.

To ensure accountability, monitor daily progress. Even small accomplishments can add up to great accomplishments.

Goal tracking should be a weekly chore. You can check your progress every week by setting aside time at the beginning and end of each workweek.

It is an excellent way to visual map your progress by using a spreadsheet or journal to keep track of milestones, setbacks, and ideas.

Make it Fun

It’s a well-known fact that people are more likely to do something if it’s fun. Why not add F-U-N in your F-I -T goals? Emily exclaims, “Make sure your goals are aligned with what makes you happy.” You won’t be a long-term runner if you don’t like running. Jazzercise is great for people who love to spend time with their friends, dance to music and do something that makes them proud.

A reward system is another way to increase motivation. Or The Fun part. You can write down your goals and pick a reward for each major achievement on your journey to your ultimate goal.

The ultimate goal is to make positive changes that will lead to a healthier life. Don’t forget to give yourself an extra high-five every week. doing is better than doing nothing. Friends, here’s to your happiness and health this year!