

Tea is a popular beverage worldwide. You will likely start your day with tea or drink it after a hearty meal.

Tea has been a staple food for many cultures for centuries. Many people have used tea for different purposes. The health benefits of green tea are numerous, including its ability to prevent cancer, assist in weight loss and protect against heart disease. Green tea may not be your primary reason for drinking it. However, we will explore why you should include green tea in your daily diet.


In the 17th century, green tea was first exported from India to Japan. Fresh green tea leaves are steamed immediately after being harvested to prevent fermentation. This allows the tea to turn green when steeped. But, more importantly, it preserves all the health-promoting benefits of green tea.

Green tea has a dry weight of 15-20% protein, 5-7% carbohydrates, and 5-7 trace elements like calcium, magnesium and iron. The most important thing about green tea leaves is the 30% content of polyphenols. Polyphenols act as reducing agents. They are also known for their major antioxidant properties.

Catechins are the major antioxidants in green tea. Catechins have been proven to protect against certain cancers, reduce the risk of stroke, and prevent cardiovascular disease. They can also be used to treat GI problems, regulate blood glucose levels, and lose weight (1).


High levels of caffeine are also found in green tea. Green tea has a 24-40 mg caffeine content. There has been much research on the ergogenic effects of caffeine in active people. In addition, there is increasing interest in green tea extracts’ impact on fat metabolism. It has been shown to increase energy levels and stimulate the nervous system. These observed effects have led to more recent research on green tea extracts (GTE) and their effect on fat metabolism.

A study found that three doses of GTE + 150mg caffeine significantly affected fat oxidation. This was in comparison to caffeine and placebo. GTE showed a 20% increase in fat oxidation when compared with caffeine. This suggests that fat oxidation increases can occur without caffeine.


Another study found a 12% increase in 24-hour fat oxidation rates after catechin intake (662mg catechin + 271mg caffeine) compared with placebo (2). Although many studies have demonstrated an increase in fat oxidation following green tea consumption, it needs to be clarified what the optimal dose should be to achieve this effect. A dose relation is believed to exist in that fat oxidation does not increase after consumption of GTE at certain levels.

GTE consumption has also been shown to have long-term benefits in studies. A study found that caffeine intake in obese Thai women and men for 12 weeks led to a decrease in fasting respiratory quotients (RQ) and an increase in energy expenditure. RQ is a measure of how much fat you burn for energy. Higher levels mean that you have more carbohydrates to break down.


Green tea may increase fat release during sleep and benefit long-term metabolism. How?

Before we get into the details of green tea’s metabolism and its mechanisms, it is essential to remember that not all studies have been done on animals. Therefore,

Mechanisms are speculation because studying human models of the process is challenging.

Green tea (or GTE) is thought to affect the nervous system directly. It activates the sympathetic nervous system and stimulates lipolysis (breakdown of fats into fatty acids) and fat oxidation (breakdown of fatty acids into usable fuel). Studies have shown that long-term green tea intake can affect gene expression of fat metabolism genes. This can lead to an increase in expression for the enzymes that help break down fats into energy 

This is why many green tea claims that it can aid with weight loss. Are they true? A meta-analysis concluded that green tea catechins can aid in weight loss and maintenance. However, ethnicity played a significant role in determining their effectiveness. Another study looked at 115 obese women who were given a high dose (856.8mg). The treatment group saw a 3 pound loss and an improvement in LDL cholesterol after 12 weeks.

People with type-2 diabetes, such as those who drink green tea, are also interested in the possible mechanism by which it can alter gene expression in fat metabolism. Type 2 diabetes is characterised by insulin resistance and inflammation. Green tea polyphenol administration has been shown to lower serum glucose levels in diabetic rats 

One study of 63 obese or overweight patients with type 2 diabetes showed that their body weight, waist circumference and blood pressure dropped after they drank 4 cups or 2 cups of green tea daily for two weeks. Fasting glucose levels did not change 


Is green tea really a fat burner? Research shows that this question is still controversial. Although weight loss has been observed in numerous human trials, it’s important to remember that energy expenditure and food intake can be controlled. Weight loss can be affected by many other factors in observational studies. The amount of weight lost can vary depending on whether the individual is reading green tea weight loss studies.

As we have already mentioned, green tea has many health benefits, besides melting fat. The antioxidants in green tea are extremely high! Antioxidants are known to reduce inflammation, fight cancer-causing agents and improve heart health. Because of its high mineral content, green tea has been proven to increase immunity. It has been shown that green tea can increase bone mineral density and reduce the risk of fractures for older people.

Green tea is an antioxidant-rich, healthy beverage that can aid in achieving various health goals. Green tea may help you lose weight, but it is essential to remember that green tea is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.